
Prefabricated and site fabricated pipework 
Welded ,screwed or pressfit.
Natural gas, steam , LTHW,

Prefabricated and site fabricated pipework 

welded,screwed, pressfit ,MDPE fission weld and high pressure solvent weld ABS.

Natural Gas, Steam, Condense, LTHW,HTHW, HTHPHW,Oil,Mains water,Waste water,

Gas Safe Registered Company
Reg No:521187

Gas  Safe  registered  for  commercial and industrial works  including:

Boiler  and  Heating plant  installation 

Gas  Pipework  above  and  below  ground

Meter  installation 

Testing  of  gas  pipework  runs  above  1  cubic  metre

Warm  air  heater  installation  

Hot  water  generation  plant

Alcumus Safe Contractor Approved

We  have  been  Audited by  Alcumus  group  for  Safe  Contractor  accreditation,  this  involves a full  check  of  our  sub  contract  labour  our  Health  and  Safety  policies .

It  also  assures  our  customers that  we  are  competent in  our  ability to  conform to standards.